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00 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Shipped same day | Shipped Monday | |||||
2 p.m. - 12 a.m. | Shipped the next day | Shipped Monday |
If you place your order for one or more products indicated IN STOCK before 2 p.m. it will be shipped the same day!
If you place your order at 2:05 p.m. for example, it will be shipped the next day.
If you place your order after 2:05 p.m. Friday or weekend for example, it will be shipped the following Monday .
We offer FREE delivery by UPS to most countries in Europe. However, delivery charges may apply depending on your country. To find out your delivery costs, simply click on "Estimate your delivery costs & taxes" in your basket after adding your products. All you have to do is choose your country and your postal code and you will know the fees applied.
Packages are shipped the same day if the order is placed (and paid) before 3 p.m. and the products are in stock. They are shipped via UPS with a tracking number and delivered without a signature. Packages can also be shipped via UPS Extra and delivered upon signature.
Shipping costs include preparation and packaging costs as well as postage. Preparation costs are fixed, while transport costs vary depending on the total weight of the package. We recommend consolidating all of your items into one order. We cannot combine two orders placed separately and shipping charges apply to each order. Your package is shipped at your own risk, but special attention is paid to fragile items.
The box dimensions are appropriate and your items are properly protected.
We also deliver to the French Overseas Territories. Do not hesitate to come to the online chat for more information
GrowLED is committed to deadlines as well as stock information. The availability of a product is updated in real time!
Your order | In stock | Shipping immediate | |||
Your order | Coming soon Out of stock | Shipping |
A product is indicated in stock : you can be sure that it will be sent to you within 24 hours or even within half a day!
A product is being restocked - Coming soon* : we are waiting for our supplier to deliver your product to us.