

Il y a 15 produits.
Affichage 1 - 12 de 15 produits

Cannaled is a company specializing in the production of quality LED horticultural lighting. They offer a wide range of products adapted to the needs of each crop, whether houseplants or gardens.

Product lines include LED spotlights, LED grow plates, LED grow lights and complete LED horticultural lighting kits. All products are designed to provid...

Cannaled is a company specializing in the production of quality LED horticultural lighting. They offer a wide range of products adapted to the needs of each crop, whether houseplants or gardens.

Product lines include LED spotlights, LED grow plates, LED grow lights and complete LED horticultural lighting kits. All products are designed to provide superior light quality and exceptional lifespan, while being energy efficient.

As a manufacturer of LED horticultural lighting, they are committed to offering superior quality products to customers. They work closely with clients to develop tailor-made solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Their goal is to become the leader in the LED horticultural lighting industry by offering superior quality products at competitive prices. They are proud to contribute to improving the quality of life of our customers by offering them a sustainable and economical lighting solution for their indoor garden.

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Hydroponie pour Débutants : Présentation du Système Ebb & Grow de Terra Aquatica

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15 ans du Growshop GrowLED - Votre expert des lampes horticoles LEDs
15 ans du Growshop GrowLED - Votre expert des lampes horticoles LEDs

Pour célébrer ses 15 ans, GrowLED propose un mois de promotions exceptionnelles et des activités spéciales. Leader...

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pack complets lampes horticole LEDs et culture box chambre
livraison express lampe horticole led culture plantes interieur croissance et floraison
garantis avec premium lampes horticoles leds plantes
    Echange led horticole sous 30 jours

    Échange sous
    14 jours

    Livraison offerte lampe horticole led

    Livraison offerte
    dès 100€*

    Livraison rapide lampe horticole led

    24 à 48H


    Paiement 3x sans frais cb lampe horticole led

    Facilités de

    Meilleur prix garanti led horticole led pour plantes

    Meilleurs prix

    Garanti lampe horticole led


    Points de fidelites lampes horticole led

    Points de